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Interior view of the driving school vehicle including dashboard.

Deine Fahrschule in Bern seit 2005

as well in English.

Moving At The Speed Of Patience - Safety And Trust

stefan and a student make high five.

Advanced Driver Training

Your Success And Safety Matter

Enhance Your Driving Skills with Personalized Training

Hey there! I'm Stefan. Like many things in life, driving can present its set of challenges and surprises. Maybe you once cherished the tranquility of driving through the countryside, with its serene landscapes and open roads. But now, you've found yourself in the heart of a bustling city, with its maze of streets and unexpected turns. The contrast can be daunting, but every change brings a new adventure.


Taking a break from driving is something many of us have experienced. Perhaps life got in the way, or maybe there was a conscious choice to rely on other means of transportation. Now, as you consider returning, the idea stirs a mix of excitement and nervousness. And to top it off, the cars of today seem to be filled with more buttons and gadgets than a spaceship! It's amusing yet overwhelming, trying to decipher what each new feature does.


But here's the thing, every driver has their unique journey, their personal story. That's where I come in. At Driving School Stefan, our sessions are more than just instructional time. They're about understanding your story, connecting on a personal level, and reigniting the passion and joy of driving. Through patience, expertise, and perhaps a few laughs along the way, we'll navigate any challenges you face. By the end, you'll feel confident, ready to embrace the road with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. So, what do you say? Ready to embark on this journey with me? Contact me today!

A shot inside the driving school vehicle during a lesson.

My Services For You

Personalized Driving Lessons:

With me, Stefan, it's not just about lessons. It's about understanding your unique journey, your challenges, and your aspirations behind the wheel.

Adapting to Change:

Transitioned from a serene environment to a busy city or been out of the driving scene for a bit? I've got you covered, ensuring you feel right at home on any road.

Demystifying Car Tech:

Feeling overwhelmed with the latest car technologies? Together, we'll break it down, making it simple and intuitive.

Rebuilding Confidence:

If past experiences have shaken your confidence, we'll rebuild it step by step, ensuring you drive with assurance and joy.

More Than Just Lessons:

At Driving School Stefan, it's about connection and sharing the love for driving. Let's laugh, learn, and embark on this driving journey together.


Driving lesson (45 minutes)
CHF 96.00

(No subscription and no insurance or administration fee)

Stefan laughs and explains something on the tablet.
Stefan looks down and explains something on the tablet.
Stefan looks out the window and thinks.
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